Air purifying house plants

Top 10 Indoor House Plants To Purify Your Air

House plants do not only make your house look beautiful, but they can serve a dual purpose. Some plants have qualities that can detoxify and clean the air in your home. I am a big fan of house plants. Ever since we moved out of our tiny apartment on the lake, we have filled our house with live plants. I have noticed such a difference in my life. Now, I sleep much better and I do not have as bad of allergies as I did in the apartment. I think that it is due to the fact that these plants can reduce mold spores and the chemicals found in cleaning products, both things that I have found I am allergic to. My favorite plant we own is the peace lily. It has so many great benefits, it is easy to take care of, and it is gorgeous

I have put together a list of easy to care for house plants that purify the air in your home.


House Plants that Purify the Air in your Home

1. Snake Plant

air purifying plant- Snake Plant

Keeping a snake plant in the home can reduce toxic pollutants in your home. This plant is perfect to keep in your bedroom, as it has the unique capability to convert C2O to oxygen at night helping regulate healthy airflow.

These plants are easy to care for, just make sure you don’t over-water them and keep them out of direct sunlight.

2. ZZ Plant

Air Purifying House Plant - ZZ Plant

Not only does this plant look good, but it also serves a purpose. The ZZ plant removes air pollutants such as xylene, toluene, and carbon dioxide from the surrounding air. It can also improve cognitive function such as focus, problem-solving and decision-making.

3. Peace Lily

air purifying house plant- peace lily

Peace Lily’s are absolutely beautiful house plants. When they bloom, they have tall white flowers that shoot out of the top of them. They are extremely easy to keep alive. Even when they look like they are nearly dead and completely drooped over, all you need to do is give them a little water and they perk back up almost immediately.

The peace lily does not only purify air, but it also prevents mildew formation, absorbs acetone vapors, and removes mold spores. This makes them an all-around perfect house plant.

4. Spider Plant

air purifying house plant- snake plant

The spider plant is a popular air purifying plant that is easy to grow and care for. The spider plant removes harmful chemicals from the air, such as carbon monoxide, xylene, formaldehyde and toluene. Another benefit of this plant is that it can increase the humidity in the air. Increased humidity in the air can decrease the risk of airborne illnesses such as cough, cold, and sore throat.

The spider plant is easy to care for as it adapts to various climates and conditions. It prefers to be in direct sunlight but can survive pretty much anywhere. You cannot over or underwater these plants.

5. Aloe Vera

Air purifying house plant - Aloe Vera

You may know aloe vera has the quality to heal sunburn. But did you know it also has amazing air-purifying qualities too? Aloe Vera can help remove formaldehyde and benzene from the air. These chemicals can be a byproduct of common household cleaners, paints and more.

These succulents are easy to grow and care for. Make sure you place these pants where they will get plenty of sunlight. They should be watered only when their soil is dry. When you do water them, make sure you drench the soil thoroughly.

6. Rubber Trees

air purifying house plant- rubber plant

Rubber trees are known to improve air quality. According to My Garden Forest and NASA, their large leaves absorb and break down airborne chemicals. These plants also have the ability to remove mold spores and bacteria from the air.

To care for these plants, make sure you do not over-water them. They should be allowed to dry out before watering again. These plants also can thrive in dim places. You should know that these plants can reach up to 8ft in the right conditions, so make sure you plant them somewhere where they have room to grow.

7. Chinese Evergreen

Agloenema Chinese Evergreen - 4'' from California Tropicals

Chinese evergreen is a beautiful house plant that is known for its air cleaning abilities. According to My Garden Forest, the Chinese evergreen has been found to increase mood and productivity, enhance concentration and memory, reduce stress and fatigue.

These plants are extremely durable and can survive in almost any indoor condition. So if you do not have a green thumb, this might be a good option for you.

8. Devil’s Ivy

Marble Queen Devil's Ivy - 6'' from California Tropicals

Devil’s ivy is also known as the money plant or pothos plant. This ivy can remove harmful toxins from the air such as benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. According to Balcony Garden Web, these plants are low maintenance and survive in a variety of conditions including little direct sunlight. You only need to water these plants when their soil is dry.

9. English Ivy

Gold Child English Ivy - Hardy Groundcover/House Plant - Sun or Shade - 4" Pot

English ivy can be an indoor or outdoor plant. Some of its benefits are reducing toxins in the air, increasing humidity, and helps remove mold spores. English Ivy is considered a medicinal plant. It has been found that it contains antioxidants and has antiallergic and antispasmodic properties. It can also reduce cough and is found useful in asthma, allergies, and bronchitis.

Another great thing about English ivy is that it is easy to care for. Keep the ivy in medium to bright rooms, and be sure not to overwater or underwater it. For more on how to care for English ivy click here.

10. Dracaena

Dracaena comes in a few different varieties, some small and some larger. Some varieties produce small white flowers when mature. This plant help remove formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene and trichloroethylene from the air.

This plant is also quite easy to care for. Keep it in indirect sunlight and water it occasionally to keep the soil damp.

House Plants that Purify the Air in your Home

Do you keep any of these house plants in your home? If so, comment below and let me know if you have noticed a difference in your life. To see more of my posts, click here.