Family,  Pregnancy

Affordable 7 Step Postpartum Recovery Care Essentials

We are just a few weeks from our due date and trying to prepare as much as we can for life with a newborn. My friend recently had a baby, and she has been sending me all sorts of advice and hacks to help us in our first few weeks. Today, she sent me a TicTok video made by an ObGyn that recommended products for postpartum recovery care at a reasonable price. I have found similar products on amazon and thought I would share with all of you what I bought. Together, I spent just over $70. I plan to make a bin of recovery items to keep in both the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms so I do not have to go up or downstairs all the time.


Products for Postpartum Recovery

1. Peri Bottle

Peri Bottle from amazon for Postpartum recovery care

Step 1 – Clean the perineal area with a peri bottle.

2. PrimeMed ABD Pads

PrimeMed ABD Pads for postpartum recovery care from Amazon

Step 2- Pat dry the perineum area with these pads.

3. Dermoplast

Dermoplast for postpartum recovery care from Amazon

Step 3- Spray the perineum with dermoplast. I heard that the hospital gives you some of this. I am not sure how much they will give you, if any at all, so I bought some to make sure I do not run out.

4. Perineal Foam with Witch Hazel

Perineal Foam with witch hazel for postpartum recovery care

Step 4- apply witch hazel foam

Tucks pads for postpartum recovery care from Amazon

Step 5 – You will only need these if you have hemorrhoids. Obviously, I do not know if I need these, but I decided to purchase them so that I have them in case I need them.

6. Postpartum Pads by Incognito

Postpartum pads from Amazon

Step 6- Use pad or disposable underwear mentioned below depending on how you are feeling.

7. Postpartum Always Discreet Disposable Underwear

Postpartum Always Discreet Disposable Underwear from Amazon

Step 7- As stylish as these are, I was slightly embarrassed about purchasing these. I bought them off Amazon so that I did not have to purchase them in a checkout lane at the store. However, I have heard many people say that these are necessary because they make you feel way more secure than the mesh underwear the hospital gives you.

Frida Baby also has a kit with some great postpartum items in it. It is more expensive, and you get less than everything I had purchased above. However, it might be nice to put this on your registry.

After the baby comes, I will come back and review exactly what we used and what was most helpful. If you have any products you used for postpartum recovery care, comment below. I would love to hear what you recommend.

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